This is a short game about farming parsnips.  As a humble parsnip farmer, it is your job to plant a thriving field of parsnips and not explode. Oh, you didn't know that these parsnips are highly volatile and may expand to lethal proportions at any time?  Well, I'm sure you'll be fine. Happy farming!

Note: Background music is temporarily disabled as it causes clipping in the HTML version. I'm currently working to fix this issue.

This game was developed for a game jam with the randomized theme "Massive Parsnip Together".  The jam was a fun project with friends, and now I'm sharing my game on here for anyone to play. Have fun!


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this was fun! maybe a few gardening tools or the ability to harvest or hire farmhands in any updates??? this is a really cool game and i hope to see it advance!

Very fun. I appreciate the tutorial. I got 21465 parsnip points.